Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Nobody likes funky eyes...

So I had an appointment to go to the gym this morning, however Jimmy canceled it for me because I was having trouble walking. I hardly did anything but boy did I do something. It's a little sad when you just can't walk. I have an appointment for Friday at 11, so I'm not that behind.

Since I don't have so much to talk about in the sense of fitness or health, I'm going to talk to you ladies about some beauty. Random, I know, but I'm actually a pretty big makeup person.

Here's the deal... when was the last time you cleaned your brushes? I know this isn't a very exciting topic but it's pretty important.

I never really cleaned my brushes til I received a sample bottle of cleaner in my Birchbox, which is a $10 monthly subscription of higher-end beauty products. The results are night-and-day to the point of seeing the color and excess makeup disappear. The water after soaking for a bit is disgusting. Once you see the change, you'll continue to do it monthly, if not more if you use your brushes frequently or if you like to experiment with color. Not only does this make it easier to keep your looks clean, it also keeps your eyes from getting any kinds of infections or bacterias or anything like that. Eye infections are NOT cute.

Here's a little proof:
1. Dirty Brushes :)
2. Clean tap water & cleaning solution
3. Soaking the brushes
4. Clean brushes, drying
5. Oh boy, look at the water.

So I'm a believer! How bout YOU ??

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