Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Nobody likes funky eyes...

So I had an appointment to go to the gym this morning, however Jimmy canceled it for me because I was having trouble walking. I hardly did anything but boy did I do something. It's a little sad when you just can't walk. I have an appointment for Friday at 11, so I'm not that behind.

Since I don't have so much to talk about in the sense of fitness or health, I'm going to talk to you ladies about some beauty. Random, I know, but I'm actually a pretty big makeup person.

Here's the deal... when was the last time you cleaned your brushes? I know this isn't a very exciting topic but it's pretty important.

I never really cleaned my brushes til I received a sample bottle of cleaner in my Birchbox, which is a $10 monthly subscription of higher-end beauty products. The results are night-and-day to the point of seeing the color and excess makeup disappear. The water after soaking for a bit is disgusting. Once you see the change, you'll continue to do it monthly, if not more if you use your brushes frequently or if you like to experiment with color. Not only does this make it easier to keep your looks clean, it also keeps your eyes from getting any kinds of infections or bacterias or anything like that. Eye infections are NOT cute.

Here's a little proof:
1. Dirty Brushes :)
2. Clean tap water & cleaning solution
3. Soaking the brushes
4. Clean brushes, drying
5. Oh boy, look at the water.

So I'm a believer! How bout YOU ??

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Get it together, Tagg.

It's clearly been almost a year since I've written anything. I guess life gets in the way, though i should be documenting life, instead of letting it take over.

There's been a lot of changes since I started this blog. None of which are weight related really. As most of you know, I'm planning a wedding, got a second job, lost the first job, moved, among other things.

This blog was initially made because I was taking a class on multimedia journalism. Now that I am no longer taking that class, I'd like to really focus on it being a health blog. One where i can see my progress and document it for all of you to see.

At one point, I was down about 30 pounds from my starting weight a year ago. That's not a lot for the time-frame, but taking my time and keeping it off is most important to me. Recently, I've gained some weight back, not a lot, but enough that I feel a difference.  It's astonishing to me that I'll spend $50 on hair products or skin care to make sure that they are in tip-top shape, but I can't pay well enough attention to what I put in my mouth. That's what's wrong with us. Makes no sense.

My goal is to start paying attention and doing a better job than I am doing currently. I've lost my motivation somewhere and have grown increasingly lazy. Lazy to the point that I don't even enjoy cooking as much anymore. That's a travesty to me, considering I was thinking of going to cooking school and doing it as a job.

We've paid for trainers and gym memberships and don't go nearly as much as we should, both Jimmy and I can stand to be more active. It's just a waste of money that could have been put toward planning our wedding. Instead, it goes to waste. It's almost depressing.

I need to hold myself accountable. And I need all of you to do that too. If you see me, making poor choices, remind me that I'm only hurting myself in the end.

My trainer and I have been in touch and I will go and see him Monday morning. My goal is to lose enough weight that my wedding dress needs to be taken in, just enough. I would also like to cut out carbs and bag sugars. I have a terrible sweet tooth and it's doing me ZERO good.

I'm not only mad at myself, but I'm totally disappointed that I've let it go. I need my motivation back ASAP.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I fell behind a little bit on keeping up with blog posts. I need to catch up on some thing for not only class, but on my diet as well. I will do that sometime this week.

It's been "one of those weeks" for me. Everyone has them.

Friday, May 11, 2012

For class this week, my blog needs to include ideas for my final project.

Recently, I did a story on a friend losing weight for her wedding. I think I'd like to continue on with it for a final project. I think that there is a lot of information and I also think that it is a subject that hit home with a lot of brides-to-be and woman in general.

I'd like to interview the trainer that the couple has been going to and see what kind of workout he plans for brides-to-be, how frequently they are losing weight for a wedding and whether or not they actually meet their goals. There seems to be a lot involved in a wedding, and I'd think that the stress of the event would add to the weight-loss process.

I'd like to take some pictures, as time has gone on since they've started the process and also track them and/or follow them through one of their workouts for a hands-on point of view. I think that filming some of it would put the work that they've been doing into perceptive and hopefully show them reaching their goal!

Friday, May 4, 2012

11 Pounds Ain't Half Bad.

Amanda and AJ are visiting from Pennsylvania for the weekend. AJ had the pleasure of joining me for a workout today at the lovely time of 7:30am. While this used to be a normal time for me to be awake, it has become painful. I'm pretty sure AJ is still aching.

Today's working out was for the legs. Thank God my legs have recovered from the scary day of not being able to get out of bed. We had to lift weights with our legs, do step ups with a 20 lbs weight in each hand and run up and down the steps. It wasn't the worst thing ever, but I can tell you that it wasn't easy. We did it and of course I complained... The only thing I have to say is that I will complain all that I want as long as I keep doing it and seeing results. Two more pounds today is great. Consistently losing the weight makes it all worth it, and while I know it's hard work, the end absolutely justifies the means.

Draw Me A Storyboard

Our blog topic this week was to check out storyboards. While I feel as though I have a hard time grasping a lot of the more technically advanced aspects of multimedia journalism, storyboards are something that seems to come easy. Brainstorming is taught very early on in elementary school while writing stories and is used throughout adulthood into careers.

The idea of a storyboard is not much different than brainstorming. Instead of words, pictures are used in sequential order of thoughts. They are often put into slides onto the computer and are easy to edit by just a click of the mouse.

Storyboards make great sense to me as a student journalist who seems to visually learn better. I like the idea of putting a story into pictures so that it is easy to follow and and even easier to cut, paste and edit ideas without having to erase paragraphs. It is also a great way to share stories with others. As quoted in this "how to" video on storyboard development, everyone is "literally on the same page." Each idea is presented step-by-step and everything is mapped out.

I think this is a great tool if a story has a lot of information or parts, or if there are a lot of people working on one particular project. Ideas can be presented separately and easily come together as one.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

This cold is not cool

Ive had a nasty cold for a couple of days now. I call it a cold, but it's probably a mixture of an ear infection, sinus infection and some sort of tonsil thingy. Plus, I have a serious case of man voice. It's not pretty to say the least.

Sadly, this means that I had to cancel my training appointment today as well as miss class. I hate doing both. I feel like I let myself and others down. I believe that one of the reasons that I get sick, though, is that I never slow down. I'm a "go all of the time" kind of person and some days, one just needs to sit down.

I went to the doctor yesterday, which was a very disappointing experience for me. I've gone to only three "family" doctors in my life and have been extremely comfortable with all of them. It is very hard to move to a new place and find someone that you are comfortable with to replace years of building relationships. Yesterday I was told to "wait it out" and take some Alieve. What a waste of a visit. It's horribly discouraging to put faith in someone and have them tell you to "wait it out." All I wanted was relief and I got aggravation. 

Needless to say, since I haven't been doing much movement, I don't think there will be any good results or updates. Not a big deal, considering no one actually wants to be sick and/or in pain from a weirdo swollen tonsil.

Either way, I think all I'm going to lose this week is one doctor... that I won't "wait out," that's for sure.